
Watercolour Painting

     For the watercolour painting I wanted to revisit the first studio task---the portfolio cover. As this task was to use watercolours to create a representation of the colour wheel, I looked back at my original portfolio piece where I employed both the primary and secondary colours to create a geometric form. Reusing the same stencil I made twelve As for this project. Each wedge spanned 60 degrees, but would rotate 30 degrees, causing an overlap between the colours. I intended to use this overlap to convey motion and continuity as in a fan.

     I had a lot of trouble with painting technique and was never fully satisfied by the consistency of my brushstrokes. As a result I opted to use pointillism, leaving the piece sparsely coloured. This technique was very slow and so I decided to only paint half of each A as the other half would be covered up. What I neglected to realize was that when I had originally planned the work a week earlier I wanted the other half of each A to peek through the holes in layers above. This was meant to expand upon the overlap within colour spaces, and unfortunately it was never realized in this piece.